The most successful businesses all do one thing well. They develop an identity and a way of talking to their customers that is instantly recognisable.

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So how do you develop a strong identity for your business?

We’ve said before that we hate jargon. And “Branding and Positioning” is definitely jargon. But it is the accepted term used in the industry, and if you want to successfully promote your business, you need to develop an identity, personality and strategy that your customers will buy in to.

“Brand is not what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.”

The most successful businesses all do one thing well. They develop an identity and a way of talking to their customers that is consistent and instantly recognisable.


Take a look at these:

branding and positioning


Branding and Positioning

Now, although these are some of the world’s biggest brands, they all started somewhere. And even though they have enormous marketing budgets, they don’t like to waste money.

Learn from what they do. Their branding and positioning might be on the side of a bus and in the national press; yours on the side of your car and in the local newspaper. The principal remains the same.

Develop a strong identity and personality for your business and make sure that this is consistent whenever and wherever you communicate with potential customers.

Our design team are often asked to come up with a new identity for a start-up business, or update and refresh an old logo. If you need some help developing a strong brand for your business, get in touch.