Fast, reliable and secure web hosting from Benchmark Web Design

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What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service that enables websites or web pages to be accessed over the internet. Web hosting is provided by companies that store all of the files that make up your website on a server (think of this as a large computer dedicated to storing website files for numerous businesses).


There are several factors that you should consider when picking a company to host your website. And although cost is obviously important, this should be weighed against reliability.


You’ve probably heard the term “the servers are down” when people experience difficulty accessing information from certain websites. If your hosting company has problems with its servers (where your website files are stored), your website may be unavailable on the internet.  And if someone has a problem accessing your website, the chances are they won’t come back. So it’s important to pick a hosting company that has robust security and back-up procedures to ensure that your website is always available.


Although we don’t insist on providing the web hosting for sites we design, we do strongly recommend it. This isn’t so that we can make more money from our clients. By providing the hosting ourselves we know that we will always be able to access the site for essential updates, and that the hosting will be reliable, secure and fast.

If you would like to talk about web hosting for your new site, or are thinking of changing your existing hosting, give us a call. We are happy to talk through your options.