The Smarter way to sell parts.
In order to run a successful trade counter business, you need to cater to customers buying in store and customers who buy online. While Smarter Components had its trade counter established and running successfully, they had little online presence.
In order to sell appliance parts and spares online effectively, customers need to be able to find parts easily and for the right price. That’s why in addition to original manufacturer parts, Smarter Components also offers a range of high quality yet cost effective parts under their Smarter Option brand.
The objectives for this project were:
- Create branding and logos to develop a strong visual identity for the company and its own-brand products.
- Make sure the website is optimised for viewing on a range of devices from smart phones to tablets, laptops to desktops.
- Product, stock and customer order integration with the Benchmark stock-control and accounting software.
- Allow customers to easily find parts for their appliance.
- Promote alternative Smarter Option products when viewing selected OEM products.
- Flexible delivery options dependant on order subtotal.
- Write engaging content that raises organic search engine ranking.
- Create a flexible slideshow system that allowed them to create new slides by simply adding an image, entering text, and optionally specifying a button; allowing easily and quickly create slides without requiring a graphic designer.
The end result
Smarter Components now has a fresh website that works not only on desktops, but also on mobile, perfect for tradesmen at the job site.
Customers can find parts by either entering the part number or by selecting the appliance manufacturer and model. Using a database of all the boiler manufactures and models in the UK, when a customer selects a manufacturer, they are presented with a searchable dropdown menu of that manufacturers models. Upon clicking the find parts button, the customer can browse a selection of parts compatible with that appliance.
Alternative Smarter Option products are promoted when viewing compatible products, increasing awareness and widening customer choice.
The website is fully integrated into their Benchmark stock and accounting systems, reducing management time and effort synchronising product prices and stock levels, and processing orders. In addition, the website is also integrated into their Benchmark trade counter system, allowing website orders to be collected and paid for at the trade counter.
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